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Terry Faith

Keepin' the Faith is the fifth episode of the first season of ALF.

Plot Summary[]


The family is having a meeting to go over their budget and realize that they need to cut their expenses. ALF is upset about not being invited but annoys his way into being invited

Act One[]

Willie asks who made a phone call to Munich, Germany and ALF says he made the call to follow up on the status of a vacuum cleaner he broke which was sent there for repairs. Late that night when everyone else has gone to ALF is playing the piano. Kate wakes up and ALF tells her he want sto get a job to help earn money to the family. Kate suggests he help around the house instead. She goes back to sleep, and ALF then sees an ad for the Terry Faith company, an multi-level-marketing cosmetics firm. ALF calls them and then learns he will need to sell items which are sent to him. He orders them. When they arrive, Lynn brings the package to ALF. Brian and the two of them open it and then look over the introduction booklet. ALF tests a few of the items on Lynn, but does a poor job putting them on her and she goes to wash it off. The phone rings, and Ginger, one ALF's contacts at Terry Faith then lets him know of some new items which came in. ALF orders more.

Act Two[]

Kate and Willie are in the den and ALF walks in with some towels. Ginger calls again, and ALF asks about Oscar's hernia, and learns he is newcomer of the month. Kate then asks what is going on. ALF tells them that he's gotten a job selling cosmetics. Lynn walks in and encourages Kate and Willie to support ALF's work. He sits Kate down and tells her about some of the products. The doorbell rings and a deliver driver comes with several boxes of cosmetics and says he will return when he gets a bigger truck. ALF then reveals that he purchased $4,000 worth of make-up with Willie's Visa (putting him over his limit). Brian runs in with makeup on has face that has turned green and Lynn goes to help Brian wash it off.

The doorbell rings again and this time it's several women who have come as customers to buy the products Willie is in a panic as they are sorely unprepared for ALF's make-up party, Kate rushes into the kitchen and struggles to prepare refreshments for the guests, and not having an espresso machine to make any for the guests. ALF is making some crackers with aerosol cheese. More customers arrive and one asks Willie to help apply makeup to her neck. Willie starts to feel better when the guests are eager to buy things.. One buys enough to win a trip to Dayton and see the Terry Faith museum. The delivery driver returns with the remaining boxes and asks if he should back his truck up to the door.


After the party has ended they review the numbers they realize they made a small profit, which Willie says will be used to cover the phone call to Germany ALF made, despite Brian wanting to buy an air hockey table. Due to their high sales, they win a set of mock-Naugahyde luggage and a trip to Dayton to visit the Terry Faith Museum

Background information[]

Production history[]

  • Premiere airdate: October 20, 1986


  • "Keeping the Faith" is a 1983 song by Billy Joel.
  • ALF plays the piano. He says it is tough to play without the red keys.
  • On Melmac ALF owned and operated his own Phlegm dealership.
  • ALF gives the Tanners' address as 167 Hemdale.
  • The delivery man identifies Willie as "William Tanner."

Links and references[]



air hockey; alien; cards; casket; Cheez Whiz; chicken salad; cinnamon; civil servant; cosmetics; crystal; Curly; Dayton; den; dryer; espresso; facial; Faith, Terry; freeloader; Ginger; Germany; guacamole; Haydn, Joseph; hernia; hunting satchel; impeller blade; katydid; Leave It to Beaver; lobster; luggage; macaroon; makeup; Melmac; Moe; money; Munich; Naugahyde; Oscar; parasite; Phlegm Turbo; phone; piano; rouge; senator; Shemp; speaker of the house; sponger; strudel; television; Terry Faith Cosmetics; Terry Faith Museum; Terry Land Hotel; thermostat; Three Stooges, The; tycoon; vacuum cleaner; VISA; Wonderful World of Terry Faith Cosmetics, The

External links[]
