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Isn't It Romantic

Isn't It Romantic? is the tenth episode of ALF's second season. It originally aired on November 23, 1987.

Plot Summary[]

ALF and the Tanner kids give Willie and Kate a second honeymoon. He fears that Willie and Kate might break up when he hears them arguing on a dinner table.


Willie is watching Casablanca on TV and ALF changes the channel to a Godzilla movie. Willie correctly thinks ALF would be frightened by it, despite ALF's denial

Act One[]

Willie feels guilty about going out alone to see a play, because Kate has to stay home and watch ALF, while he's in the kitchen breaking a casserole dish and cookie jar. When Willie tells ALF he's going out to a musical and ALF says he thinks musicals are silly because people break out into song. When told Willie is seeing "Cats" ALF jokes about going backstage and eating the actors. ALF asks why Willie is going alone and thinks maybe Kate and Willie are having marital problems. That night in the kitchen, ALF is teaching Brian how to juggle, but it's his bedtime. Lynn comes home from her date, and Brian wants to here about it because likes hearing mushy stuff more than going to bed. ALF asks Lynn if Lizard proposed to him because thinks Kate and Willie are separating and would need a new place to stay. He then tells Lynn he wants to create a romantic evening for them. He's set up a table in the living room for them to have a special meal of hamburgers (because he doesn't know what Chateaubriand is) They ask him why he's going to this trouble, but is a little evasive on the reason why. They then realize he suspects they're having difficulties and suspect it may be due to their argument about Lynn being old enough to go on a ski trip. Willie and Kate resume their argument, and leave the room. ALF then tells Lynn he was correct about his suspicions.

Act Two[]

Lynn is on the phone with a friend, and abruptly hangs up when ALF is in a panic about Willie and Kate. He heard them arguing again, and Lynn says she hopes her mother wins so she can go on the ski trip. ALF then thinks about ways to solve the problem, and remembers back home they'd recreate the happiest moment of the marriage. Lynn mentions that her parents always talk about how much they enjoyed their honeymoon at Niagara Falls. ALF and Lynn set up a recreation of it, and when Willie comes home, ALF is dressed as a concierge, Brian is dressed as a bellhop, and Lynn is dressed as a maid. They've reenacted Kate and Willie's honeymoon from July 11 1967 at Duke of the Mist hotel at Niagara Falls. ALF then shows them the towel they stole from the hotel years earlier. Lynn then has Willie carry Kate over the threshold of their bedroom. They go inside and find that ALF redecorated it with furniture from the basement in an attempt to replicate their hotel room, including a neon "HOTEL" sign which ALF changed from one that said "Happy Noel" Lynn then asks to be told when they come to an agreement about her ski trip. Willie and Kate then remember that the water pipes broke in their room. Just at that moment, ALF sprays the garden hose through the open bedroom window. In the kitchen, Kate and Willie are having some hot drinks to warm up, and they thank ALF about putting romance back in their lives. Kate then remembers that after their hotel stay that the table at the cafe they went to collapsed, to which the kitchen tables does too


Willie is lying on the couch in his pajamas having caught a cold from being sprayed with water. Kate goes out to see her mother. ALF then pushes Willie to join Kate with Lynn on her ski trip, but then changes his mind and suggests Willie stay home.

Title Reference[]

"Isn't It Romantic?" is a song by Rodgers and Hart.


  • The footage on television that scares ALF at the beginning of the episode was not Godzilla movie footage; although he claimed it was. The footage shown was actually from the 1925 Willis O'Brien movie The Lost World where a brontosaurus attacks a city.
  • It seems that ALF does not like musicals.